Workshops and Events

Workshops and Challenges

workshop group montage

We can bring the excitement of a ‘real-life’ STEAM challenge to your school or organisation and deliver practical, hands-on workshops and activities designed to bring the curriculum to life and make the link between classroom and careers.

This could be a workshop for a class or a whole year group. We can provide a bespoke event for your school as part of a STEM initiative, or be part of a larger one, with engineering challenges and, activities that explain how jet engines and rockets work, including a full-size replica of Bloodhound LSR. 

See what workshops we can offer

Skills and Development Days

A full day of practical science and engineering challenges linked to real life careers and designed to build confidence and develop key employment skills. The activities enrich the curriculum through putting learning into practice and incorporate transferable skills aiming to raise career aspirations and awareness.

Tailored to suit your requirements and group size,  they can provide opportunities for students needing additional learning support and to bridge gaps in learning.

Case study – BH Education excites West Cumbria studentssee news article

West Cumbria rocket cars

To discuss your requirements please contact us on

Exhibitions, Events and Speakers

show car PPMA showWhether you are looking to host our full-size show car or interactive Education Car, have one of our keynote speakers, run Bloodhound-themed activities, or would simply like a member of our team to attend your event and inspire your visitors, we have a range of options to suit you.

Why not have a ‘Bloodhound Exhibition’ at your venue? Our Bloodhound Education cars are available to add to your collection for a short period. We can also train up your STEAM communicators to deliver Bloodhound themed workshops and activities.

To discuss how Bloodhound Education can add impact to your event or exhibition, please contact us on

Rob the inspirer


Teacher CPD & STEAM Toolkits

Coming soon

Sustainable future slides

The Bloodhound Teacher Toolkit will equip and train you to deliver our exciting Bloodhound engineering and enrichment activities.

It will enable you to engage your curious young minds within the real-world challenge of designing a sustainable camp and future vehicles using the technologies we will all need in the future.

The toolkit will:

This is a package of learning you can use over and over again.

Click here to register your interest

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